looking for a great php User Group ?
Join us at 010PHP!
The User Group for PHP developers living in, around, and within traveling distance of Rotterdam.

This is 010PHP

About us
We're a user group for PHP developers living in, around, and within traveling distance of Rotterdam.
While existing for over 6 years, we were able to create a user group with over a 1000 members!
Thanks to our sponsors and contributors we are able to have our meetups every second Thursday of the month. Feel free to attend our meetups, or even come as a speaker.

Speak at our stage
Looking to practice your talk before submitting to a Call For Papers?
Attend our meetup as a speaker and receive valuable feedback! If possible we can also provide a professional video recording, how much better could it get!?
With a minimum of 12 meetups a year we surely have a spot for you at our stage. With an average of 35 attendees per meetup you can expect not to waste your time with us.

Become a sponsor
010PHP is made possible by the help of our awesome community, sponsors and volunteers We are very thankful for all their time and efforts!
Become one of our sponsors and help out a growing PHP community. We are always looking to expand our network with people/companies that wish to support the community.
Our next meetup
Our monthly meetup, with talks and drinks!
- Date: 11-07-2024
Become part of an amazing community!
You won't regret this, we promise!
Join us on Meetup.com!